Friday, January 9, 2015

Eat less to Live long.

           We all know that diet can lead to weight lose and gain less fat but there is one more thing that it can surprise you. There is an evidence that animals can live longer when they eat less, however this still a mysteries on how it works.

           The hypothesis of this study is that eat less can decrease a thyroid hormone, triiodothyronine (T3), which then slows metabolism and tissue aging. With this hypothesis, scientists are conducting experiment on both humans and animals, the result of human experiment still unclear because the result showed the decrease of thyroid hormone and fat but it needed more time to prove that T3 is reduce as well.

           In contrast, the experiment in animal already showed the result that reduce calories intake by 20 to 40 percent significantly both extends life and, with a little exercise, leaves old animals in better shape. For examples, University of Florida's Institute on Aging showed that if rats eating just 8 percent less and exercising a little more over a lifespan can reduce or even reverse aging-related cell and organ damage. Moreover, there is a 14-year study of 48 Labrador Retrievers found restricting their diets by 25 percent starting at 8 weeks of age extended their lives by an average of 1.8 years.

           With these results in both animals and humans we can assume that eat less can possibly make us live longer and healthier but further studies is needed to understand why and how but now we all know that eat less and some exercise can make our body stronger and healthier.

Source: NBC News

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