Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to increase your Metabolism ?

          Before we go to the answer of the question, we should start with "What is metabolism ?". Metabolism is the process of breaking down protein, carbohydrate, and fat in to energy so we can survive. Then the answer of "How to increase metabolism ?" is increase your need of energy, as above that we all need energy to survive.
          Many of you already know that we can increase our need for energy by "movement" or what we called "exercise", however we cannot "exercise" all the time especially people who works in office. And here are some tips that can help you to increase your metabolism:

1. Keep Moving: Try to move your body all time, stand instead of sit, walk instead of stand.

2. Eat Protein: Since protein is harder for body to digest so it will need more energy to break down protein.

3. Eat More: This might confuse you, but if you eat small meal every 2-3 hours. Because every time you eat,                      it will trigger your metabolism process so be careful of what you eat. (Recommend eggs,  
                     chicken, nuts, and vegetables)

4. Be a Sleeper: When you rest (sleep) your body can burn up to 70% of your total calories during daytime.

5. Afterburner: After intense exercise, your body can burn extra calories for 24 hours. (this call "Afterburn")

Credit - Webmd / Funnystack / Michaelomidi

Monday, May 26, 2014

15 diet tips for those who don't want to work out.

Hi every one, today I will give you some tips that good for those who hate (or lazy) to work out. Since I know that not all people like or have enough time for exercise, then here are 15 tips that can help you to lose some weights:

1.  Drink plenty of water or low-calories drinks: Since sometimes we confuse hungry and thirsty. So you better drink up or ending gain unnecessary calories.

2. Think about what you can add to your diet not what to take away: Try to add some fruits and vegetables to your food. It will displace fat in your diet and give you lots of benefit. (For those who hate fruits and vegetables, please skip this tip)

3. Consider whether you're really hungry: Before you eat, ask yourself "Am I hungry" most of the times you want to eat not need to eat. Your stomach is about size of your fist, so you no need to eat a lot.

4. Try to avoid nighttime snack: Have you ever feel like this after your dinner "I want to eat something but I don't know what I want."

5. Enjoy your favorite meal: Don't you ever stop eating you favorite food, keep eating them but in small sizes.

6. Enjoy your treats away from home:  This can make you enjoyable and relax from your diet.

7. Eat several meals in a day: Try to divide your daily meal into 4-5 meals a day, since we have many studies that show the evidence of people who eat many meals are better to control their weight.

8. More protein, less carbohydrate. Since carbohydrate will change in to fat at some point, then you should eat less carbohydrate and focus on protein such as meats, beans, nuts, cheese, or yogurt.

9. Make it HOT: Try to add some spice to your meal for boost up the favor and your meal can be more satisfied so you don't need to eat much.

10. Stock-up your fridge with healthy convenience food: With you have ready-to-eat or instant meal in your hand, you will less likely to call delivery food or go to drive-through.

11. Order small sizes for every meal: As they said before in no.3, your body don't need to eat a lot to survive.

12. Eat foods in season: Differentiate your fruits and vegetable from season to season because all fruits and vegetables have their time when it taste good, like mango will taste better in summer.

13. Swap carbohydrate to fibers: When you eat more vegetables instead of bread or pasta, you can save around 100-200 calories per meal.

14. Use non-food alternatives to reduce stress: After you start diet, sooner or later you will face with stress. So you need to do something instead of eating, such as read a book, watch a movie, listening to music, or meditating.

15. Be physically active: Try to move more in one day, change your bus-stop to be a little bit far so you can walk more and increase your metabolism.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Another easy workout to burn Cals!!!


          Hi everybody, do you still find easy workout to BRUUUUN!!! your calories, it can be done by just doing 100 Burpees as fast as you can. The point of burning your cals is SPEED!!!(you move faster, you burn faster) however this workout will push you to suffer so make sure that you not gonna hurt yourself. I think that it is impossible for average people to do it 100 at the first time, so start with 25 then increase to 50, 75 til you reach 100. Record your time then try to break your records.

For those who don't know what is Burpees, here are steps for 1 burpee:

Thank you for this information -

Friday, May 9, 2014

7 mins workout worth equal to several hours workout. Scientific!!!

Good days every body, today I have a way to workout within 7 mins that has tested by scientists from McMaster University. This 7 mins workout will be so uncomfortable (believe me, I tried it) because you have to push yourself to your maximum potential. This work out will contain these following 12 step:
                                                                                                                                          Ben Wiseman
and how to do it is so easy, you just need to do each of them for 30 secs each as hard as you can then rest 10 secs between exercises. This workout should "maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding.".

Credited The New York Times Magazine 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Saint and Medion Cross

           Saint Cross and Medion Cross are another product from design series that decorated with swalovski crystal on the stainless face plate that polished with finest technology. They produce both far infrared ray (more than 92.5%) and negative ion emission along with magnet strength not less than 600G. The band itself use natural minerals mix together in silicone while molding the band. 

See more information - for female / for male