Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Types of Belly and Easy ways to get rid of it.

Do you have any problems with your dresses or clothes ? With wrong foods and bad behaviors, they are one of the major problem that can make your belly bigger. Together with different body structure of people, there is no perfect exercise for everyone. However, A-Listed trainer James Duigan has identified 5 types of belly and different ways to get rid of it.

1. Spare Tire: This type of belly usually happens to people who always sit like those who works at office, and this people are attracted to sweet food as well. This type is the easiest one to eliminate because it happens due to your lifestyle, you just need to exercise more and eat healthier. 

2. Stress: This one often happen to those who over-achievers and sensitive to digesting problem which lead to bloating and bigger belly. You can check out your belly by pressing it, if it hard instead of soft, it is stress belly. Try to eat every meal especially breakfast, stay away from junk food and excess caffeine. Also, try to sleep earlier, practice medication before bed, do yoga and long walk to increase your immune system and improve your sleep.

3. Pooch: It is a leftover belly that occur to people who don't have enough time for overall exercise and cause belly muscle to stick out. This can be fixed by eat more fiber like green vegetable/whole grains and use plank for exercise instead of sit-up/crunches.

4. Mommy: Mommy belly regularly befall to women who have given birth in these last few years and have no times for themselves. After giving birth, your belly needs at least 6 months to regain its top form so stay away from hard exercise. To get rid of it, you need to increase your blood flow and power up your loosen muscle, which can be done by eat more nuts and omega-3 acids to increase fat burning. Then try gentle pelvic floor muscle exercise by squeeze and clench 15-20 times, 5 rounds a day. Additional, you can use power nap during the day to increase your metabolic.

5. Bloated: This tricky will start with beautiful flat belly in the morning but then during the day your belly will begin to bulge out. It happens because of gas and indigestion which often caused by food intolerance and sluggish bowels. Try to avoid food that you are intolerance and avoid meal at late night to make your belly flat again.

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