1. Do the Power Jump.
Here are how to do it: "Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and arms extended at shoulder height in front of you, palms facing floor. Jump up as high as possible as you bend your legs, drawing knees toward chest and hands. Land softly. Immediately repeat."
Do it for 45 secs then immediately go to next steps.
2. The Pike Hops.
After you finish Power Jump go for this on instantly, here are the instructions: "Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet together. Lift hips toward ceiling as you jump feet toward hands without bending knees. Jump back to starting position. Immediately repeat."
Repeat it for 45 secs and then take a rest for 30 secs.
3. Super Man Push Ups.
After finish the 30 secs rest, it is the time for Super Man Push up: "Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet shoulder-width apart. Bend elbows, lowering chest toward floor. Pause. As you return to start, lift left arm to shoulder height in front of you and right leg to hip height behind you. Repeat, this time lifting right arm and left leg."
Go for 45 secs and do next step immediately.
4. Mountain Climber
Repeat it for 45 secs and take 30 secs rest.
Now you will finish the first round of the circuit, therefore do it twice more to complete this exercise. The time will be approximately 12 minutes and there is an expansion for arms exercise. If you interested, check the link below.
Thank you Detail.com for this information.
BH+PLUS Thailand
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