Monday, September 15, 2014

5 Myths busted about food.

There are something about food that you might have wrong perception and wrong information which in the end misleading you. Those information and idea usually come from your parents which is old, outdated information. Now, clear your mind and open your mind to this new information that might change your way of leaving.

#1 Snacking will make you full.
Snacking is something you eat or drink between meal which can helps you to stable your blood sugar level and prevent from over hunger. Also, it can increase your metabolism because your stomach have to work more as well as you eat more. It is best if you snacking with things that good for your health like nuts, fruit, berries, and vegetable with dips.

#2 Finish it!!!
You don't have to eat the whole plate if you already full. Nowadays, most restaurants allow you to pack your leftover back to your home and if you know that it gonna be a big plate, you can ask for half of it and box the other half. Overeating is one reason for getting obesity and today people died from obesity more than died from hunger.
#3 Don't eat before your exercise.
Eat something before your workout actually boost your energy and optimize your workout session. But you shouldn't exercise immediately after your meal because you gonna throw-up for sure, therefore you should do it 30-60 mins after your meal or snack. Try to eat something with high carbohydrates, moderate protein, and less fat/fiber such as a glass of chocolate milk, a toast with peanut butter, or a granola bar.

#4 Rushing.
Many people doesn't notice that they eat too fast and this is bad for your body. It takes 20 minutes for brain to know that it is full and within this 20 minutes you gobble like a pig, you will definitely overeating.

#5 Delicious food for reward.
We eat in order to survive, we should eat because we need it not because we deserve it. You will receive extra calories that your body don't even need, if you reward your hard work with food. Reward yourself is good and everyone should do it, but how about reward with something else like a movie, games, meetup with your friends or travel oversea.

Thank you WebMD for this updated information.

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