#1 A Lot of Nutrients.
Coconut juice contain many minerals and nutrients such as Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin C, B2, B5, B6, Folic Acid, and Amino Acid which are what your body need to stay good health.
#2 Alzheimer, thou shall not pass.
Believe it or not but coconut juice can prevent and slowdown the process of Alzheimer. In side coconut there are substance called "Ketones Bodies" which are alternative source of power for brain.
#3 Easy to digest.
Our body can easily digest glucose from coconut juice for instance power cell and refreshing our body so this is an alternative drink for people who love carbonated juices.
#4 Anti-aging.
Coconut contains estrogen hormone that can stimulate our body to produce more collagen and elastin which can reduce your wrinkle and improve cell's growth process.
#5 Detoxification.
Coconut juice has ability to micturate and detoxify your body which lead to good skin and good health.
#6 High minerals.
With a huge amount of minerals contain in coconut juice, you can replace your power drink with it. Coconut juice has potassium 13 times more than normal sport drink.
Coconut juice is good for your health but you should choose the fresh one to get all nutrients and benefit. Moreover, people who has diabetes and renopathy shouldn't drink it because it can be worse.
Thank you 247Freemagazine for this information
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