Power Seat
At 08.45 AM
Everyday you have to sit almost 8 hours a day, so why not change it into fat-burning tool. Just swap your swivel into stability ball, and you will burn calories more by 6% without moving.
At 09.00 AM
Around this time your metabolism will be at the bottom, so a glass of cold water can rise it up again. Your metabolism can increase about 30% for 30-40 minutes after you drink it down.
A Gum to Burn more
At 11.30 AM
"Non-exercise Thermogenesis" can burn an extra 350 kcal a day, so keep chewing a gum. For persons who don't know what is "Non-exercise Thermogenesis", it is fidgeting.
Green is Good
At 12.15 PM
Your work is overwhelming and your plan to gym is not gonna be happen. Try to stay near any plants in your office for 60 seconds, by doing this your productivity will increase by 12%.
Music can help you
At 12.50 PM
If you always listen to music when you workout, try to listen to those music while working can increase your performance by 15%. This is a trick for your brain by make it thinks that you in the middle of workout, it will make your body more active than usual.
Good Package
At 14.00 PM
Food has a major impact to how fast your diet will turnout so if you bring you own lunch to work, you will get in shape in no time. But you may not know that in some plastic tubs have fat-causing phthalates which can make your food have more fat than it should be. So use glass instead.
At 15.00 PM
Normally, at this time of the day you will exhausted so a cup of strong coffee can wake you up. Moreover, caffeine in coffee can pump-up your metabolism which last for 3 hours as well.
Nuts for Snack
At 16.30 PM
If you eat almonds everyday for 6 months, you could lose 18% of your body weight. So say no to other snacks and go all nuts in order to build a good shape body.
The time table above may not be applicable for your schedule so try to adjust it to yours. And your work will not be the same again.
Thank you MenHealth for this information.
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