Friday, September 12, 2014

5 Things you should avoid when exercise.

Have you ever wonder why your exercise has no result ? The answer is not too hard to figure, it because you might have do the unnecessary things. And here are some of those things that you should avoid if you want your exercise to pay you back.

1. Too much warm up.
Warm up is good and very necessary thing for you to do before every work out. However you should do it for 5-10 mins otherwise you will waste your energy and get too tired. And you should do it lightly so you can be ready for your real exercise.

2. Just for fun.
Ok, this is so logical that if you are not serious in doing things, there are not possible for great outcome for you. So, if you want your exercise to come out great, be serious about it and you will never forget. By the way, you should work out with heart rate of 90% of your maximum heart rate (220-your age) or it is not exercise.

3. Do it wrong.
Please check the proper way of your every work out that they are correct or you will get nothing and might even hurt yourself.

4. Stuck to flavor.
You have to consider of nutrition fact as well as the taste of food you eat. The recommendation proportion for whoever want a good body is 40% Protein, 40% Carbs, and 20% Fat in one day. So be careful of what you eat or its will hit you in your face.

5. Too much rest.
Exercise needs times, everything needs times until it shows the result so you have to keep doing it, not too comfortable or else nothing happens. Try to exercise continuously, at least 3 days per week for 3 months and you will see the different.

Thank you for this information

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