First, People who have more muscle will have more metabolic as well.
Second, Your body digest protein harder than you though so it means that if you eat more protein your metabolic will be higher too.
Third, Naturally men will have higher metabolic than women because men has more muscle than women by nature.
Fourth, Metabolic is the process of using energy to make you live like breathing, and digesting.
Fifth, Metabolism rate is how much your body burn calories while you stand still or rest which is different from Metabolic.
Sixth, Our genetic code also affect our metabolic as well, as you can see that some people can't be fat no matter how much they eat. Your life style and what you eat also affect it as well.
Seventh, You may surprise that metabolic can be effected by your thyroid and that because thyroid control many hormones that affect how your body works. This explain why people who have something wrong with their thyroid will also have weight swing.
Eight, Strength training can help you to raise up your metabolic but no one know what is the real reason. Because when you exercise your metabolic is increase which is same as your muscle gain.
Ninth, When you getting older your metabolic will decrease from time to time. Your metabolic will start decrease at age of 20s then decrease 2% more every decades.
Tenth, Diet isn't always good because if you eat less than 1,200 calories your metabolic will go down as well. Therefore, you should divide your meal in to 5 small one to increase your metabolic.
Eleventh, Caffeine can improve your metabolic which mean that a cup of coffee can speed up your metabolic for sometimes.
Twelve, Spicy food can also increase your metabolic because capsaisin in chili is a substance that naturally increase your metabolic. But beware that it isn't enough to lose your weight.
Thirteenth, Most food supplements cannot help you to increase your metabolic so the best way to do it is to exercise and dietary.
Fourteenth, Temperature can affect your metabolic as well because your body need to maintain our body temperature to be not too hot or too cold. According to the study, people who live in tropical area will have higher metabolism rate that who live in another area.
Fifteenth, More that 70% of metabolic happen while you rest and you can burn 30% more when you active. So keep moving.
Now don't forget to eat good healthy food and exercise often if you want a beautiful body and good health.
Thank you for this information.
Monday, September 29, 2014
The Simplest also one of the Coolest

In the other way, medion uses the single Swarovski crystal to make it outstanding and yet not too bling bling.
With its simplest design, both of them can match with any lifestyles and fit for any situation.
Product Informaion

230mm * 13mm * 3mm (Saint)
Plate Material: Stainless Steel (Magnet with 600G or more)
Swarovski Crystal (Medion Only)
Band material: Medical Grade Silicon
(Germanium, Tourmaline, Bio-Ceramic)
Band function values: Emit Anion, far infrared than 92.5%
Band Color: Black / White / Brown / Blue / Red
Gender: Men (Saint) / Women (Medion)
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
10 Foods for your beautiful muscle.
#1 Steak!!!
Everybody love meat and cow meat has high contain of creatine the magic nutrient that can lift your power.
#2 Peanut butt-er
Peanut butter contain a lot of biotin, vitamin that help your body to transform carbohydrates into energy.
Spinach have lots of nitrate which can help your blood to deliver more oxigen to your muscle and lead to faster regeneration.
#4 Sardines
This small fish has a big load of EPA fats that have anabolic effect, the state that your body comsume energy for growth or maintenance.
#5 Senzu Bean
Hazelnut is a Senzu bean in real life, hazelnuts can reduce radicals that occur from intense training therefore you can do it more often.
#6 Salt for Salary
Do you know that "salary" came from the word "salt" ? Drink a salt water after workout can helps your muscle to rejuvenate faster.
#7 The Blackcurrants
This little fruit from UK has double amount of vitamin C when compares to oranges. With this high vitamin C your oxidative stress will fall to the ground.
#8 Chickpeas
Another good source of power, 40g of chickpeas contain enough carbohydrates and fiber to reduce insulin level and maintain your lean muscle.
#9 Dried Apricots
Dried apricots has ability to stimulate your body to create new blood cells so oxygen can be delivered to every parts of your body more.
#10 Marmite
You may hate it but you can't deny that it's riboflavin can helps your body to turn food into energy for your muscle.
Now after your workout try to eat these foods for your big, strong, and beautiful muscle.
Thank you Menhealth for this information.
Coconut Juice, Miracle Juice from nature.
Coconut is not a nut as it's name state but it is actually a dupe or stone fruit. Coconut juice itself has a slightly sweet in their taste and smell but it also has many benefits for our health as well. Here are some of it's benefits that can make you think "I should drink coconut juice".

#1 A Lot of Nutrients.
Coconut juice contain many minerals and nutrients such as Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin C, B2, B5, B6, Folic Acid, and Amino Acid which are what your body need to stay good health.
#2 Alzheimer, thou shall not pass.
Believe it or not but coconut juice can prevent and slowdown the process of Alzheimer. In side coconut there are substance called "Ketones Bodies" which are alternative source of power for brain.
#3 Easy to digest.
Our body can easily digest glucose from coconut juice for instance power cell and refreshing our body so this is an alternative drink for people who love carbonated juices.
#4 Anti-aging.
Coconut contains estrogen hormone that can stimulate our body to produce more collagen and elastin which can reduce your wrinkle and improve cell's growth process.
#5 Detoxification.
Coconut juice has ability to micturate and detoxify your body which lead to good skin and good health.
#6 High minerals.
With a huge amount of minerals contain in coconut juice, you can replace your power drink with it. Coconut juice has potassium 13 times more than normal sport drink.
Coconut juice is good for your health but you should choose the fresh one to get all nutrients and benefit. Moreover, people who has diabetes and renopathy shouldn't drink it because it can be worse.
Thank you 247Freemagazine for this information
#1 A Lot of Nutrients.
Coconut juice contain many minerals and nutrients such as Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin C, B2, B5, B6, Folic Acid, and Amino Acid which are what your body need to stay good health.
#2 Alzheimer, thou shall not pass.
Believe it or not but coconut juice can prevent and slowdown the process of Alzheimer. In side coconut there are substance called "Ketones Bodies" which are alternative source of power for brain.
#3 Easy to digest.
Our body can easily digest glucose from coconut juice for instance power cell and refreshing our body so this is an alternative drink for people who love carbonated juices.
#4 Anti-aging.
Coconut contains estrogen hormone that can stimulate our body to produce more collagen and elastin which can reduce your wrinkle and improve cell's growth process.
#5 Detoxification.
Coconut juice has ability to micturate and detoxify your body which lead to good skin and good health.
#6 High minerals.
With a huge amount of minerals contain in coconut juice, you can replace your power drink with it. Coconut juice has potassium 13 times more than normal sport drink.
Coconut juice is good for your health but you should choose the fresh one to get all nutrients and benefit. Moreover, people who has diabetes and renopathy shouldn't drink it because it can be worse.
Thank you 247Freemagazine for this information
BH+PLUS Health Jewelry: Gold Series.
Gold, the most valuable metal on earth since the ancient time and BH+PLUS use it to define value of this series.
Saint Gold and Medion Gold are 1 of the bestselling items of all times, with simply and yet beautiful design than use the benefits of Gold and Crystal.
This design is suitable for both men and women also fit for any situation either casual or formal.
Together with negative ion, far-infrared ray, and magnetic field this bracelet can raise your health and your look to its peak. PS. The face plate doesn't make from a pure gold but it is stainless coated with pink gold epoxy color.
Product Information
Length: 210mm * 10mm * 2mm (Women) / 230mm * 13mm * 3mm (Men)
Plate Material: Stainless steel (gold coating, magnet intensity: 600G or more)
Band material: Medical grade silicone (Germanium, Titanium, Tourmaline, Bio-Ceramic)
Band function values: Anion, Far-Infrared emission with concentration of 92.5%
Band Color: Black / White
Monday, September 15, 2014
8 ways to lose weight at office.
This is for all office ladies and office gentlemen who want to be active at all times. No need to worry about your belly anymore because you can transform your office equipment into exercise equipment. Here are schedule and how to for your office workout:
Power Seat
At 08.45 AM
Everyday you have to sit almost 8 hours a day, so why not change it into fat-burning tool. Just swap your swivel into stability ball, and you will burn calories more by 6% without moving.
Miracle Water
At 09.00 AM
Around this time your metabolism will be at the bottom, so a glass of cold water can rise it up again. Your metabolism can increase about 30% for 30-40 minutes after you drink it down.
A Gum to Burn more
At 11.30 AM
"Non-exercise Thermogenesis" can burn an extra 350 kcal a day, so keep chewing a gum. For persons who don't know what is "Non-exercise Thermogenesis", it is fidgeting.
Green is Good
At 12.15 PM
Your work is overwhelming and your plan to gym is not gonna be happen. Try to stay near any plants in your office for 60 seconds, by doing this your productivity will increase by 12%.
Music can help you
At 12.50 PM
If you always listen to music when you workout, try to listen to those music while working can increase your performance by 15%. This is a trick for your brain by make it thinks that you in the middle of workout, it will make your body more active than usual.
Good Package
At 14.00 PM
Food has a major impact to how fast your diet will turnout so if you bring you own lunch to work, you will get in shape in no time. But you may not know that in some plastic tubs have fat-causing phthalates which can make your food have more fat than it should be. So use glass instead.
Caffeine Save the Day
At 15.00 PM
Normally, at this time of the day you will exhausted so a cup of strong coffee can wake you up. Moreover, caffeine in coffee can pump-up your metabolism which last for 3 hours as well.
Nuts for Snack
At 16.30 PM
If you eat almonds everyday for 6 months, you could lose 18% of your body weight. So say no to other snacks and go all nuts in order to build a good shape body.
The time table above may not be applicable for your schedule so try to adjust it to yours. And your work will not be the same again.
Thank you MenHealth for this information.
Power Seat
At 08.45 AM
Everyday you have to sit almost 8 hours a day, so why not change it into fat-burning tool. Just swap your swivel into stability ball, and you will burn calories more by 6% without moving.
At 09.00 AM
Around this time your metabolism will be at the bottom, so a glass of cold water can rise it up again. Your metabolism can increase about 30% for 30-40 minutes after you drink it down.
A Gum to Burn more
At 11.30 AM
"Non-exercise Thermogenesis" can burn an extra 350 kcal a day, so keep chewing a gum. For persons who don't know what is "Non-exercise Thermogenesis", it is fidgeting.
Green is Good
At 12.15 PM
Your work is overwhelming and your plan to gym is not gonna be happen. Try to stay near any plants in your office for 60 seconds, by doing this your productivity will increase by 12%.
Music can help you
At 12.50 PM
If you always listen to music when you workout, try to listen to those music while working can increase your performance by 15%. This is a trick for your brain by make it thinks that you in the middle of workout, it will make your body more active than usual.
Good Package
At 14.00 PM
Food has a major impact to how fast your diet will turnout so if you bring you own lunch to work, you will get in shape in no time. But you may not know that in some plastic tubs have fat-causing phthalates which can make your food have more fat than it should be. So use glass instead.
At 15.00 PM
Normally, at this time of the day you will exhausted so a cup of strong coffee can wake you up. Moreover, caffeine in coffee can pump-up your metabolism which last for 3 hours as well.
Nuts for Snack
At 16.30 PM
If you eat almonds everyday for 6 months, you could lose 18% of your body weight. So say no to other snacks and go all nuts in order to build a good shape body.
The time table above may not be applicable for your schedule so try to adjust it to yours. And your work will not be the same again.
Thank you MenHealth for this information.
5 Myths busted about food.
There are something about food that you might have wrong perception and wrong information which in the end misleading you. Those information and idea usually come from your parents which is old, outdated information. Now, clear your mind and open your mind to this new information that might change your way of leaving.
#1 Snacking will make you full.
Snacking is something you eat or drink between meal which can helps you to stable your blood sugar level and prevent from over hunger. Also, it can increase your metabolism because your stomach have to work more as well as you eat more. It is best if you snacking with things that good for your health like nuts, fruit, berries, and vegetable with dips.
#2 Finish it!!!
You don't have to eat the whole plate if you already full. Nowadays, most restaurants allow you to pack your leftover back to your home and if you know that it gonna be a big plate, you can ask for half of it and box the other half. Overeating is one reason for getting obesity and today people died from obesity more than died from hunger.
#3 Don't eat before your exercise.
Eat something before your workout actually boost your energy and optimize your workout session. But you shouldn't exercise immediately after your meal because you gonna throw-up for sure, therefore you should do it 30-60 mins after your meal or snack. Try to eat something with high carbohydrates, moderate protein, and less fat/fiber such as a glass of chocolate milk, a toast with peanut butter, or a granola bar.
#4 Rushing.
Many people doesn't notice that they eat too fast and this is bad for your body. It takes 20 minutes for brain to know that it is full and within this 20 minutes you gobble like a pig, you will definitely overeating.
#5 Delicious food for reward.
We eat in order to survive, we should eat because we need it not because we deserve it. You will receive extra calories that your body don't even need, if you reward your hard work with food. Reward yourself is good and everyone should do it, but how about reward with something else like a movie, games, meetup with your friends or travel oversea.
Thank you WebMD for this updated information.
Friday, September 12, 2014
5 Things you should avoid when exercise.
Have you ever wonder why your exercise has no result ? The answer is not too hard to figure, it because you might have do the unnecessary things. And here are some of those things that you should avoid if you want your exercise to pay you back.
1. Too much warm up.
Warm up is good and very necessary thing for you to do before every work out. However you should do it for 5-10 mins otherwise you will waste your energy and get too tired. And you should do it lightly so you can be ready for your real exercise.
2. Just for fun.
Ok, this is so logical that if you are not serious in doing things, there are not possible for great outcome for you. So, if you want your exercise to come out great, be serious about it and you will never forget. By the way, you should work out with heart rate of 90% of your maximum heart rate (220-your age) or it is not exercise.
3. Do it wrong.
Please check the proper way of your every work out that they are correct or you will get nothing and might even hurt yourself.
4. Stuck to flavor.
You have to consider of nutrition fact as well as the taste of food you eat. The recommendation proportion for whoever want a good body is 40% Protein, 40% Carbs, and 20% Fat in one day. So be careful of what you eat or its will hit you in your face.
5. Too much rest.
Exercise needs times, everything needs times until it shows the result so you have to keep doing it, not too comfortable or else nothing happens. Try to exercise continuously, at least 3 days per week for 3 months and you will see the different.
Thank you for this information
Thursday, September 11, 2014
BH+PLUS Negative Ion Watch "Dual Roman".

With Arabic number and Roman number in one watch make Dual Roman outstanding from other watches. Together with leather wrapped the health related function silicone, Dual Roman is suitable for every gentle men out there.
It is the iconic property of BH+PLUS watches that have natural minerals such as germanium, tourmaline, titanium, and etc. that have ability to emit negative ion, far-infrared ray, magnetic field to enhance your blood circulation.
Move: JAPAN AL21
Glass: Round mineral reinforced glass dome
Frame size: Vertical Horizontal 40mm X 50mm
Length: Total length 250mm (including frame)
Band material: Natural leather band (the band anion / infrared emission)
Band function values: Anion, far infrared than 92.5%
Band Color: Black
Wear Gender: Men
Water: 30M water resistant
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Swarovski,so beauty, so clear, so delightful.
BH+PLUS's products cannot be perfect if Swarovski is missed, especially for "Design Collection". Swarovski crystal are started by Austrian crystal producer Daniel Swarovski who start with a glass factory until he found the electric cutting machine that can make a crystal glass.
BH+PLUS use Swarovski crystal to make their products outstanding from health jewelry market which most of them focus on functional over design. With the beautiful of crystal and a health related function, the accessories that can be wear at all time and suitable for all genders is here.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
The 12 minutes workout that actually work!!!
For those who hate to lose a lot of times to burn cals. Here is your another circuit style exercise for you to burn your cals fast in just about 12 minutes. All you have to do is to follow this steps regularly and U RAH good shape, fit and firm.
1. Do the Power Jump.
Here are how to do it: "Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and arms extended at shoulder height in front of you, palms facing floor. Jump up as high as possible as you bend your legs, drawing knees toward chest and hands. Land softly. Immediately repeat."
Do it for 45 secs then immediately go to next steps.
2. The Pike Hops.
After you finish Power Jump go for this on instantly, here are the instructions: "Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet together. Lift hips toward ceiling as you jump feet toward hands without bending knees. Jump back to starting position. Immediately repeat."
Repeat it for 45 secs and then take a rest for 30 secs.
3. Super Man Push Ups.
After finish the 30 secs rest, it is the time for Super Man Push up: "Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet shoulder-width apart. Bend elbows, lowering chest toward floor. Pause. As you return to start, lift left arm to shoulder height in front of you and right leg to hip height behind you. Repeat, this time lifting right arm and left leg."
Go for 45 secs and do next step immediately.
4. Mountain Climber
This one is easy and here are how to do it: "Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet hip-width apart. At a consistent pace, draw left knee toward chest, then immediately return to start as you draw right knee toward chest. Continue, alternating legs."
Repeat it for 45 secs and take 30 secs rest.
Now you will finish the first round of the circuit, therefore do it twice more to complete this exercise. The time will be approximately 12 minutes and there is an expansion for arms exercise. If you interested, check the link below.
Thank you for this information.
BH+PLUS Thailand
Here are how to do it: "Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and arms extended at shoulder height in front of you, palms facing floor. Jump up as high as possible as you bend your legs, drawing knees toward chest and hands. Land softly. Immediately repeat."
Do it for 45 secs then immediately go to next steps.
2. The Pike Hops.
After you finish Power Jump go for this on instantly, here are the instructions: "Get in high-plank position with wrists under shoulders and feet together. Lift hips toward ceiling as you jump feet toward hands without bending knees. Jump back to starting position. Immediately repeat."
Repeat it for 45 secs and then take a rest for 30 secs.
3. Super Man Push Ups.
Go for 45 secs and do next step immediately.
4. Mountain Climber
Repeat it for 45 secs and take 30 secs rest.
Now you will finish the first round of the circuit, therefore do it twice more to complete this exercise. The time will be approximately 12 minutes and there is an expansion for arms exercise. If you interested, check the link below.
Thank you for this information.
BH+PLUS Thailand
Monday, September 1, 2014
4 Ts that help you lose weight
1. Green Tea.
Specialists said that that green tea can improve your metabolism, help you burn your carbohydrate and fat. However, you need too drink it 2 - 5 cups per day or nothing happens except pleasure.
2. Oolong Tea.
Oolong tea have direct effect to how your body react to fat such as decline fat in your body and increase its burning. This affect can be happen when you drink it at least 3 cups per day.
3. Black Tea.
Black tea is the strongest one of all teas and it has the highest caffeine as well. Therefore this tea can make your body active longer which lead to better metabolism. Also, this tea can increase the speed of insulin and people who has higher speed of insulin is likely to be slimmer.
4. Rose Tea.
This is the oldest of all tea that have an ability to heal and lose weight. Rose tea are usually made from fresh rose flower and tea. These ingredients have a lot of Vitamin A, B3, C, D, and E and anti-oxidant.
These teas are good for your health if you drink them in the right way. It will be nothing if you drink it with too much sugar and cream. Try to do it traditional way.
Thank you emaginfo for this information.
BH+PLUS Thailand
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