Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stress, it happens more than you think.

Stress is a reaction of your body toward the changes that our body need to response. It can be either physical, mental, emotional responses therefore stress can be happen because of yourself, the environment or even your thoughts.

However, stress also has positive and negative side. Positive stress is a stress that helps yourself alert and aware of dangers and the negative one is a positive stresses that occur to you continuously with out any relief. Negative stress or "Distress" can lead your body to has harmful symptoms such as headache, stomach ache, high blood pressure, and insomnia. 

Many people misuse alcohol and tobacco to relief distress because they actually make it worse by keep your body in stress state. Instead of alcohol and tobacco, you can change them to something sweet, fruits, or exercises to boost up your mood and immune system.

Source: Webmd

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