Monday, December 8, 2014

Fat that we need to burn more fat.

Recent study from University of Texas Medical School showed that there are two kinds of fat in our body: the brown one and the white one. The white fat is the one that our body stored for emergency cases and the brown one is the "good" fat that can increase our metabolism.
The color of this brown fat is brown because it contains a lot of mitochondria which is power for our cells. The brown fat is needed for our body to balance our body temperature via producing heat and our body produce heat by burn brown fat. By using this fat, we can burn 300 calories which equal to 3 miles running but there is a trick that we can use to burn it whenever we want. Stay in a cool weather.

Our body will use brown fat automatically when we exposed to cool weather with 16-21 degree Celsius because our body need to do something to make us warm. There is another way to do's exercise.

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