There are some sorcery in these 11 foods which can make you feel empty even your stomach are totally full. So beware when you eat these foods, they can use their magic to transform you to be even fatter. And here they are:
1. White Bread
No doubt that number one belong to it. The White Bread, this thing are made from white flour that lose all fiber power from its original. And this white, soft, taste good thing can interrupt your insulin levels. Eat two or more serving per day can give you 40% chance to be overweight or obese compare to those eat less than that.
2. Juices
You may think that juices are good for your health but they are not. Without fiber-containing pulp or skin, they are pure tastier sugar and they will kick your blood sugar level to sky - then back to earth again. Then the hunger came back to you again, you need another non-necessary food again. So if you what to drink juices, you better go for smoothie with whole fruit instead.

3. Salty Snacks
Potato chips, Pretzel, or Salty snack mix are taste good and we love it however their salty are trap waiting for us to taste. They are easy to digest and good source of carbohydrates so they will fluctuate you insulin level and curse you to be "The Sweet Seeker". So even your salt stomach is full, you still have some room left for the dessert.

4. Fast Food
Fast food is the best combination of super-food that make you super-size, most ingredients that use in fast food spike your insulin level and cause you dehydration. Result, Those effects can trick you to eat more.

5. Alcohol
According to research published in
Alcohol and Alcoholism, alcohol can suck up you carbohydrate called "Glycogen" and this make your body hunger for carbohydrates (to filled up what is lost).

6. White Pasta
White Pasta have same problems with White Bread but it deserves its own mention because of its easy to eat. Normal serve size of this tasty is half a cup cooked but in most restaurants they will give you 4 times of normal serve size for their normal dishes. When your carbohydrates over limit, your pancreas also go overdrive and raise up your insulin. Then your body will produce so much of sugar managing hormone that your blood sugar level too low and you will hungry again.
7. MSG
Mono Sodium Glutamate or tasty powder that can be found in most of ready to eat meals or even in beers and ice creams. This chemical triggers 40% increase in appetite and according to research published in the journal Obesity, people who consume the most MSG are nearly three times more likely to be overweight than those who don't eat it at all.
8. Sushi Rolls
Sushi Rolls taste so good and so healthy.......wait its a trap. The main component of sushi rolls is rices so it is actually a white bread in disguise, they are not good sources of protein and fiber as you see it. Just imagine that 1 California roll is equal 3 slices of white bread, I already have a nightmare.
9. Artificial Sweeteners
This little sweet powder will trick your brain that you gonna have some sweet power (calories) and there you go, nothing happens. This thing let your brain down and this cause your brain to revenge by increase your need of sweet to the next level.

10. Cereal
Cereal is white flour with sugar coated so this sweet will definitely spikes your insulin level and eat it for breakfast can also damage your metabolism because of too high cortisol. PS. Naturally, your cortisol level is peaked in the morning and this cortisol can lower your ability to metabolized ingested sugar.
11. Pizza
Pizza is the combination of white flour (again), hydrogenated oils, proceeded cheeses, and preservatives can boost up your blood sugar level to the new high level. Which is the cause of production of satiety hormones, and hunger-regulating regions of the brain.
Ok that's all guys/girls, so let's us avoid this little tasty food and have a good health.
Thank you for this good information.
BH+PLUS Thailand